Should Gingival Recession Be Treated?

Gum recession can occur for many reasons. Genetics passed down from previous generations, dental neglect or its opposite (overly aggressive brushing) can result in gingival recession, tobacco use, oral piercings or teeth grinding all contribute to this condition. No matter the reason, your periodontist will urge treatment to prevent serious dental problems.

Common Solutions for Gum Recession

Depending on the severity of your condition and the reasons behind it, treatment options may vary. If you have scrubbed your gum tissue away, your dentist may recommend a soft bristle toothbrush and a lighter hand when brushing. An electric toothbrush is ideal in that it provides the action needed to clean teeth; the patient just guides it to reach all surfaces of the teeth. Most come with a built-in timer so the patient brushes the recommended two minutes each time they brush.

Patients that grind their teeth may be treated with a mouthguard. Teeth grinding can become habitual and often starts subconsciously during periods of sleep. This nighttime habit can evolve into grinding 24 hours a day if not corrected. Grinding can be due to stress or anxiety, but can also occur due to a malocclusion. Your dentist can spot signs of teeth grinding during your cleaning visit and make needed recommendations for treatment.

If neglect has allowed plaque buildup to impact your gums, you may require a deeper cleaning. Your dentist may recommend you see a periodontist for root planing and scaling.

What If Recession is Left Untreated?

Left untreated, the patient may suffer from periodontal disease that can lead to possible tooth loss. Gum recession can also result in tooth decay. Receding gum tissue exposes the part of the tooth beneath the crown; sensitivity is a potential problem as that part of the tooth is where the nerve is located.

Another aspect of gum recession involves your appearance. While dental health should be reason enough for patients to give teeth and gums proper care, your smile may become a motivator. As gum tissue shrinks, teeth appear uneven. There should be grave concern regarding tooth loss.

Treatment Options

Once care is given to address periodontal needs, the patient may undergo gum grafts to supplement gum tissue. For a less severe solution, tooth colored bonding material may protect exposed dentition.

Brush and floss daily; follow your dentist’s advice for treatment to help maintain good dental health. If you need treatment, call our caring team today!

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