Periodontal procedures are available to stop further dental problems and gum recession, and/or to improve the esthetics of your gum line.

Exposed tooth parts are the result of gum recession. Perhaps you wish to enhance your smile by covering one or more of these roots that make your teeth appear too long. Or, maybe you’re not bothered by the appearance of these areas, but you cringe because the exposed roots are sensitive to hot or cold foods and liquids.

Your gums may have receded for a variety of reasons, including aggressive tooth brushing or periodontal disease. You may not be in control of what caused the recession, but prior to treatment your periodontist will help you identify the factors contributing to the problem. Once these contributing factors are controlled, a soft tissue graft procedure will repair the defect and help to prevent additional recession and bone loss.

Soft tissue grafts can be used to cover roots or develop gum tissue which is absent due to excessive gingival recession.

During this procedure, Dr. Crump takes gum tissue from your palate or another donor source to cover the exposed root. this can be done for one tooth or several teeth to even your gum line and reduce sensitivity.

What are the benefits of this procedure?

A soft tissue graft can reduce further recession and bone loss. In some cases, it can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay; this may reduce tooth sensitivity and improve esthetics of your smile. A beautiful new smile and improved periodontal health — your keys to smiling, eating and speaking with comfort and confidence.



Common Questions

What is a soft tissue graft?

A soft tissue graft is a procedure that inserts donor tissue at the site of gum recession in order to treat gum disease, restore the smile’s appearance and address tooth sensitivity that results from tooth roots exposed due to gum disease. A soft tissue graft may be performed using local anesthesia, or the patient may choose sedation for maximum comfort and relaxation during the procedure.

What is a gingival graft?

A gingival graft is a procedure that is intended to replace gum tissue lost to gum recession, which most often occurs as a result of gum disease. The procedure may be performed using a number of different techniques. In some cases, the graft tissue may be acquired from the roof of the mouth or from other gum tissue adjacent to the graft site. Some periodontists may also use donor tissue from external sources. Special proteins that stimulate tissue growth may also be included in the graft to promote healing.

What is gum surgery?

Surgery to address problems with the gums may include gingival grafts, which replace missing gum tissue lost to gum recession, or crown lengthening, in which excess gum tissue is removed to expose more of the tooth’s crown material. Gum surgery may be performed on a single tooth or on multiple teeth – even along the entire gumline – depending on the patient’s needs.

How much does it cost to have gum surgery?

The costs of gum surgery will vary from patient to patient, so the periodontist will discuss costs directly with you at your consultation. Our office will work to maximize your insurance benefits, and we accept a number of different payment options for your convenience.

Does gum surgery hurt?

Patients may experience mild discomfort immediately following gum surgery, but this can typically be managed with over-the-counter painkillers. If you experience severe pain or the pain endures for several days, contact your periodontist for further guidance.

What can I expect as I recover from my gum surgery?

Prior to your gum surgery, your periodontist will give you post-operative instructions to follow to reduce your risk of complications. You may be directed to take a preventive antibiotic, and you likely will need to alter your oral hygiene practices at the graft site. You will also be given a list of concerning symptoms that warrant follow-up evaluation. Make sure to monitor your gums for these symptoms.