Is Root Planing Necessary?

Root planing and scaling is a common procedure used to treat periodontitis or gum disease. Gum disease or periodontitis is an infection of the tissue around the teeth, often causing shrinkage of the gums and loosening of the teeth. When you don’t clean your teeth properly, a sticky film of bacteria, also known as plaque, gradually builds up and hardens, causing the gum to swell, bleed or become sore.

Once the infection is in advanced stages, routine cleaning may not help control it.  This is where thorough cleaning or scaling and root planing comes in. Your periodontist in Dallas will clean the plaque below the gum line to remove plaque, food debris, and the diseased tissues that accumulate in the pockets.

What Is Root Planing?

Root planing involves smoothening the root surfaces to allow the teeth to reconnect and attach to your gums. Normally root planing is performed alongside scaling.

Is Scaling the Same As Root Planing?

Scaling is the removal of plaque and debris from the gum pockets using specialized dental equipment.

Why Would I Need Root Planing?

When bacteria film accumulates on your teeth, your gums become inflamed and pull away from the teeth, forming pockets. The pockets accumulate food debris, plaque, and tartar, which are difficult to remove during routine brushing. Over time, the teeth become loose, and you may lose them if the disease is left untreated.

If it’s diagnosed early before the pockets deepen, it can be managed with professional cleaning. However, if the pockets are too deep, your periodontist may recommend scaling and root planing. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may need to consider scaling and root planing:

  • Deep pockets
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gum tissue inflammation
  • Visible gum recession
  • Bone loss
  • Pain when brushing or flossing
  • Constant bad breath no matter how much you brush
  • Gum decolorization

Can a Periodontist Determine if The Procedure is Necessary?

Upon examination, your dentist will establish the condition of your jawbone and teeth roots. If you are exhibiting all the signs of advanced periodontal gum disease, the dentist will recommend scaling and root planing to control the progression of the disease.

The procedure is intensive and may require more than one visit to complete. Also, after cleaning, you may experience pain and tenderness in the gum, which is normal and should clear within a week. Your dentist will prescribe some drugs or a mouth rinse to prevent infections, reduce pain and help you heal.


Proper oral hygiene is crucial when it comes to preventing gum disease. If you experience the signs and symptoms of periodontal gum disease, a periodontist in Dallas will examine the condition of your teeth and gums and determine the right solution and treatment. Remember treating gum disease at early stages is easier and less invasive. Schedule an appointment with BC Perio today to get started.


Content found on this blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please speak with a professional if you have concerns about your oral health.

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