How Will Dental Implants Affect My Life?

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Dental Implants and Your Quality of Life

Dental implants provide a range of advantages over dentures or crowns and bridges when it comes to tooth replacement. They’re also a much better option than leaving gaps in your smile. With implants, you’ll be able to eat any food you enjoy without having to worry about your teeth shifting when you bite into an apple or a corncob. You won’t have to worry about removing them overnight or about your mouth changing its contours, making them fit improperly.

By replacing your missing teeth, implants can also improve your quality of life by:

  • Keeping the rest of your teeth properly aligned
  • Preventing atrophy in your jawbone
  • Preventing misalignment of the jaw joint

With implants, you’ll have teeth that look and feel completely natural. They’ll help you stay healthy by allowing you to eat healthy foods, and will also help your jawbone stay strong and healthy. This in turn will help prevent the “sunken” look to your face that some people develop as they age.

Caring for Dental Implants

Dental implants should be brushed regularly, and you should also floss around the abutments. If your implants are used to anchor a denture, the denture should be removed and cleaned on a regular basis. Your periodontist will help you establish an effective regular hygiene routine that will help protect your gums and any remaining teeth from infection or decay. You should continue to visit your dentist regularly, as well. Your dentist might want to see you more often to be sure your mouth and teeth remain healthy and cavity-free.

Overall, dental implants will have a positive effect on your life. Whether you’re transitioning from dentures or replacing newly lost or extracted teeth, implants will give you the best possible option for long-term comfort, health, and attractiveness.

Contact the office of Dr. Brad Crump to schedule your appointment today.


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