Dental Implants: Restore your natural smile

With today’s modern implant dentistry, you can replace your missing teeth and restore your perfect smile without having to worry about the inconvenience of dentures. Implants give you numerous advantages over dentures, and last a lifetime. Choosing Dental Implants If you’ve lost even one tooth, the extra space in your mouth can cause serious side… Continue reading Dental Implants: Restore your natural smile

Are dental implants the right choice for me?

If you have missing teeth, whether due to injury, decay, or long-term wear and tear, you might have heard about dental implants as an option for replacement. Dental implants are becoming more common, and many people opt for this choice as a more convenient, natural looking and comfortable form of tooth replacement. If you are… Continue reading Are dental implants the right choice for me?

Receding gums: are dental implants still an option?

With so many advances in modern dental technology and implant dentistry, there are few obstacles that cannot be overcome. To replace a missing tooth, almost anything is possible.  Any condition that could possibly have a negative impact on your dental implant can be successfully treated prior to the placement of the implant. Patients who have… Continue reading Receding gums: are dental implants still an option?

Is It Best to Get Dental Implants Before Or After Braces?

Dental implants can help you regain a full and perfect smile by replacing any teeth you might have lost. They can be used in combination with other techniques, such as orthodontic work, to completely revitalize your smile. If you require both implants and braces, it is best to complete your treatment with braces first. Braces… Continue reading Is It Best to Get Dental Implants Before Or After Braces?

Why can’t children get dental implants?

Now that dental implants have become the most popular method for replacing teeth, you probably have some questions about how they benefit oral health and who is a candidate for receiving them. Dental implants are incredibly lifelike replacement teeth that can last throughout a patient’s life. Since implants are permanent and rely on well-developed bone… Continue reading Why can’t children get dental implants?

How Will Dental Implants Affect My Life?

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Dental Implants: What will happen without treatment?

When faced with missing teeth, some people feel it’s not necessary to replace them, especially if they’ve only lost one or two. However, even one missing tooth can lead to major changes in your mouth and side effects that can be severe. Dental implants can replace even a single missing tooth, preventing these long-term problems.… Continue reading Dental Implants: What will happen without treatment?

Do Dental Implants Interfere with Jawbone Growth?

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