When you have serious plaque and tartar buildup, or gums that feel sore or bleed easily, then you may need a procedure to start managing gum disease and keep your smile whole. We can help with a deep cleaning, a procedure also known as a scaling and root planing. Your Dallas, TX, periodontal treatment office talks about… Continue reading A Scaling And Root Planing Helps Keep Disease In Check
Category: Dallas periodontist
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Dental Surgeon
There are almost 5,000 dental surgeons in the United States right now, meaning there are a lot of professionals out there from which to choose. When you have a dental concern that warrants a surgical procedure, you want relief, not hours sifting through potential providers. And not all dental offices will offer the same surgical… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Dental Surgeon
What Are Dental Implants?
In a nutshell, dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth. The form they take depends mainly on the number of missing teeth, the strength of the jaw, and the patient’s overall health. At BC Perio, we want to help you understand your options for a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile, including improvements that… Continue reading What Are Dental Implants?
How Your Hormones Affect Your Smile
You may not be aware of the connection between your hormones and oral health, but it is a strong one. Many types of hormonal fluctuations have been linked to issues, such as gum disease. It’s important to be aware of this issue and consult with a periodontist as needed for gum disease treatment. When Hormones… Continue reading How Your Hormones Affect Your Smile
4 Warning Signs That You May Have Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease can have serious consequences, not only for your smile but for your entire body. Therefore, patients should be vigilant about monitoring their gum tissue for signs of this condition. Make sure that you are practicing good oral hygiene at home and visiting your dentist twice a year for a dental exam and cleaning.… Continue reading 4 Warning Signs That You May Have Periodontal Disease
Dental Implants: A Great Remedy For Tooth Loss
Today’s patients have many alternatives for restoring their smiles after tooth loss. Dental implants tend to produce the best outcomes in many aspects. Because they are structurally complete, dental implants are superior to standard appliances and an ideal replacement for missing biological teeth. Patients interested in exploring this treatment option should consult with a periodontist… Continue reading Dental Implants: A Great Remedy For Tooth Loss
What is a gum graft?
A gum graft is a procedure normally performed by a periodontist. This procedure can help protect the roots of exposed teeth from oral bacteria and surface debris like plaque and tartar. If your dentist has recommended that you receive a gum graft, you likely have questions about why this procedure is necessary and what to… Continue reading What is a gum graft?
What causes gum recession?
Gum recession occurs when your gum tissue begins to shrink and exposes more of the tooth material. This symptom, which results from gum disease, leaves the teeth looking longer – and older – and also can cause some tooth sensitivity. Gum disease is a preventable condition, so you can take steps to minimize your risk… Continue reading What causes gum recession?
4 Things You May Not Know About Dental Implants
Although dental implants are becoming increasing popular as a treatment for tooth loss, the field of implant dentistry may still be a mystery to many patients considering this intervention. As you proceed with making a treatment decision to restore your smile after tooth loss, you want to have as much information as possible about all… Continue reading 4 Things You May Not Know About Dental Implants
Periodontal Surgery: What Patients Need to Know
Periodontal surgery is often necessary for those who have developed severe gum disease. Periodontal surgery may involve lifting gum tissue to remove bacteria and debris from the surfaces of teeth or to graft tissue lost to this condition. Our periodontist provides treatment for advanced and complex cases of periodontal disease. Should I be worried about… Continue reading Periodontal Surgery: What Patients Need to Know