The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Dental Surgeon

There are almost 5,000 dental surgeons in the United States right now, meaning there are a lot of professionals out there from which to choose. When you have a dental concern that warrants a surgical procedure, you want relief, not hours sifting through potential providers. And not all dental offices will offer the same surgical… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Dental Surgeon

What Are Dental Implants?

In a nutshell, dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth. The form they take depends mainly on the number of missing teeth, the strength of the jaw, and the patient’s overall health. At BC Perio, we want to help you understand your options for a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile, including improvements that… Continue reading What Are Dental Implants?

History of Dental Implants

The practice of using dental implants to support crowns, bridges and dentures as well as restore tooth loss, has been an exciting development in the world of dentistry. From the very crude blade style implant to the highly successful implementation of titanium used today, dental implants have become the accepted treatment to provide patients that… Continue reading History of Dental Implants

Eat the Foods You Want with Dental Implants

For years, people who wear dentures have traditionally avoided certain foods for fear of breaking their dentures, or suffering the embarrassment of having them fall out in public. However, with the burgeoning popularity of dental implants as an alternative to dentures, more and more people are now able to once again enjoy the foods that… Continue reading Eat the Foods You Want with Dental Implants

Options for Replacing a Single Tooth

Even one missing tooth can have a major impact on your smile and your self-esteem, especially if it’s in a prominent location. Patients who need to fill in the gap left behind by an absent tooth can choose from different tooth replacement techniques. Fixed permanent bridges and dental implants are the most common fixes for… Continue reading Options for Replacing a Single Tooth

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

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Benefits of replacing a missing tooth

If you are one of the millions of Americans missing one or more teeth, there are many valid reasons to correct the problem: Improve  your confidence, appearance, and speech A gap between your teeth is a cosmetic concern which becomes visible when you smile, laugh or speak. A missing back tooth, may not be noticeable… Continue reading Benefits of replacing a missing tooth

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