Bleeding Gums Can Affect More Than Your Smile

People often notice a little blood when they brush their teeth and assume that this is normal, but it isn’t. Gums bleed because they are irritated from inadequate plaque removal. Plaque settles into all the little cracks and crevices around the gum line. The bacteria in plaque then begin to attack the healthy tissues of the gums leaving them irritated and tender. This, in turn, causes bleeding when they are brushed. It is also the earliest sign of gum disease, called gingivitis.


Gum disease is a progressive disease which develops overtime. If it is not treated, it will continue to worsen. There are three stages to gum disease. After gingivitis, it progresses into periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. It is imperative that treatment be rendered by a trained periodontist because they specialize in the study of gum health and gum disease. Without proper care, the disease can manifest into some chronic symptoms.

Your Gums and Your General Health

Research has shown a strong correlation between oral health and overall general health. Oral bacteria can become blood-borne through the gum tissue triggering inflammatory reactions in other parts of the body. It can contribute to many systemic and inflammatory diseases including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and stroke. These are all very serious illnesses which can be exacerbated by gum disease.

Treating Gum Disease

Gum disease must be diagnosed and treated by a periodontist. Every case is different and treated on an individual basis. The treatment plan will be determined mainly by the stage of the disease and the condition of a person’s oral health at the time. Treatment may range from a thorough dental treatment and adjusted home care to scaling and root planing. The goal of any treatment is always returning the gum tissue to a healthy state.

If you have been told you have gum disease, or you think you might, make an appointment with the office of Dr. Crump immediately. The best treatment for gum disease is early intervention with a trained professional. Our highly skilled and caring staff will help you get back a beautiful, healthy smile.


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