Addressing Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Periodontal disease can not only cause sore and bleeding gums, but can reach a stage that actually causes tooth loss. When you suffer from missing teeth, we can offer dental implants to fill the gaps. At your Dallas, TX, periodontal treatment office, we can take on periodontal disease and secure replacement teeth with advanced and long-lasting dental implants.

The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Missing Teeth

When you develop periodontal disease, the issue requires care to manage it, otherwise the periodontitis stage can result in the loss of your natural teeth. When this happens, your oral health and quality of life suffers, and the body suspends the flow of nutrients to the areas without tooth roots, meaning a breakdown in the jaw linked to an aged appearance. In addition, the disease could lead implant failure and limit tooth replacement options. However, as periodontists, we know how to properly manage the disease so you can receive dental implants and enjoy tooth replacement designed to last for many years to come, far longer than traditional bridges or removable dentures.

Preparing Your Smile and Managing Disease

To get started, we will examine the smile to assess the severity of your tooth loss and gum disease. We will provide care to manage the underlying issues so moving forward, we can keep it under control with preventive treatments, such as cleanings every three to four months. Our team will also examine the strength of your jawbone to ensure you’re ready to receive one or more dental implants, and start your journey to a complete smile again.

Placing Your Dental Implants

The placement process will begin with our team selecting the best angle and position to insert the implant posts, biocompatible posts that act as new roots. We gently guide them into place, where they bond with the bone structures and act as new roots. For an individual one, we can attach a crown with an abutment, the restoration offering a lifelike and durable solution for the visible portion of your new tooth. Multiple posts can be used to support bridges or even a complete set of dentures, so you enjoy a full smile again. With implants, your new teeth can last decades or possibly a lifetime, with proper care and attention. Our team can help with this, managing your periodontal disease to keep your smile strong and whole!

If you have any questions about how we manage gum disease and secure dental implants to address tooth loss then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy better oral health and bite function too.

Speak With BC Perio About Implant Dentistry

If you would like to learn more about preventing tooth loss or addressing it with one or more replacement teeth, then call our Dallas, TX periodontal treatment office at 214-443-0876.


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