Gum Disease: Not a Normal Part of Aging

Prior to contrary belief, gum disease is not a natural part of the aging process. Many moons ago, gum disease and tooth loss were thought to be natural as people entered their senior years. Now we know different. Teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, whether our grandparents thought so or not. Dentistry has come… Continue reading Gum Disease: Not a Normal Part of Aging

Bleeding Gums Can Affect More Than Your Smile

People often notice a little blood when they brush their teeth and assume that this is normal, but it isn’t. Gums bleed because they are irritated from inadequate plaque removal. Plaque settles into all the little cracks and crevices around the gum line. The bacteria in plaque then begin to attack the healthy tissues of… Continue reading Bleeding Gums Can Affect More Than Your Smile

Is the dental implant prone to cavities or gum disease?

Implant dentistry provides permanent, natural-looking, stationary prosthetic teeth in place of traditional dentures. Implants are made of artificial materials that are not affected by decay. However, it’s very important to see your dentist regularly if you have implants to be sure any remaining natural teeth are healthy and to monitor for gum disease. Dental Implants… Continue reading Is the dental implant prone to cavities or gum disease?

How Can I Tell If I Have Gum Disease?

  While there certainly can be noticeable symptoms, gum disease should only be diagnosed by a trained professional. A periodontist works in a specialized field of dentistry which concentrates heavily on preventing, diagnosing and treating gum disease. It is a growing field because gum disease is rampant in today’s society. People used to think that gum disease… Continue reading How Can I Tell If I Have Gum Disease?

The onset and progression of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease begins with inflammation of the gums, which is often not serious. If left untreated, though, it can develop into serious infection that can endanger your teeth. If you experience symptoms of periodontal disease, you should see your dentist for treatment. Symptoms of Periodontal Disease Gum disease tends not to produce noticeable symptoms until… Continue reading The onset and progression of periodontal disease

Maintaining good oral health after gum treatment

After gum treatment, it’s important to maintain the best possible oral health both to encourage healing and to prevent the gum problems from recurring. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by your dentist or periodontist to keep your gums and teeth strong and healthy after treatment. Caring for Your Mouth Right after Gum Treatment… Continue reading Maintaining good oral health after gum treatment

What can I expect to happen to my teeth and gums as I get older?

As we get older, our bodies change. This includes our teeth and gums. Wear and tear, staining, damage, and gum disease can all take their toll even after a lifetime of careful oral hygiene. Make sure your oral hygiene habits remain diligent and visit your dentist regularly to address the natural issues related to aging,… Continue reading What can I expect to happen to my teeth and gums as I get older?

My gums bleed when I brush: Should I be concerned?

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, occurs when the gum tissue becomes inflamed or, eventually, infected. This inflammation and infection causes the gums to draw back from the teeth, eventually exposing the roots and causing the teeth to become loose and even fall out. With treatment, the gums can heal and again provide a strong… Continue reading My gums bleed when I brush: Should I be concerned?

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